ADMISSION College Counseling

Based in Central Oregon
Available Internationally

About AdMission College Counseling

What's in your backpack? 

Your life is an adventure with a special purpose and mission.  Your task, as a college applicant, is to load your backpack with the right gear.  What classes, mentors, jobs and environments will equip you for your mission?  

The name "AdMission" speaks to our service.  We help students discern and articulate their mission -- through the college application process. 

How are we different?

For too long the final years of high school have been viewed as an anxious race of activities,  where students make themselves worthy to "get in."  AdMission rejects that soulless scrambleYou are already worthy.

Tell me, what is it you plan to do
With your one wild and precious life?
- Mary Oliver

The question is not, "What schools will accept me?"  Rather, "What schools, courses, mentors and experiences will help me develop my life's purpose?"  

How can AdMission help students reach their college goals?

Dr. Swenson partners with students through crucial reviews, creations and decisions: